Aktuelles Kunst|Ausstellung|Generative Art|Installationen|interactive art|Intervention|Kunst|Physio.GeNOM

Physio.G(e)NOM [generative script art], Lange Nacht der Musen, Darmstadt

still from the generative video "Physio.GeNOM" (c) Brigitte Felician Siebrecht


Das generative Script arbeitet mit einer variablen Anzahl an Portraits.

In regelmäßigen Abständen wird aus der Gesamtheit ein neues Bild erzeugt, in welchem auf Pixelebene Elemente aller zugrundeliegenden Gesichter vorhanden sind.

Ich habe das Script mit einem Zufalls-Algoritmus ausgestattet.

Jeder Pixel wird dabei einzeln aus dem vorhandenen Pool ausgewählt.

Grundlegend ist für mich die Idee, eine digitale Allegorie erzeugen:
Die millionfache Möglichkeit der Bildung unseres individuellen genetischen Codes wird abgebildet durch die millionenfache Anzahl an Pixeln und deren theoretischer Möglichkeit der Neu Konstruktion.


Die theoretischen Möglichkeiten der Varianten werden bestimmt durch die Größe der Ursprungsportraits (Details) sowie durch die Anzahl der beteiligten Personen und gehen ins Millionenfache.


Das Projekt wurde bereits mehrfach in unterschiedlichen Szenarien installiert.

Das heißt eine jeweils spezielle Auswahl oder Gruppe von Menschen wird miteinander verwoben.

Im Allgemeinen ist beobachtbar, dass eine höhere Anzahl vonTeilnehmern ein immer harmonischer werdendes Gesamtbild erzeugt.
Teilweise scheint sich sogar ein Wesentliches der Gruppe herauszubilden.

Individuelle Eigenheiten werden reduziert, dafür entsteht eine Art durchschnittliche Schönheit.


VERSION I / Ausstellung
Lange Nacht der Musen Darmstadt


Projektbeschreibung Ausstellungstext

The Project

I visited a group of ‚handicapped‘ artists …
The group of about 30 artists works together since years in a small studio. The plan was to make an exhibition together with a couple of other artists…
Although it was not part of the initial concept I made portraits of the group during my visits.

Revising my work afterwards I found out that the persons I portrayed all had very intense physiognomical expression and facial features because of their ‚handicap‘.

Because of juristical coherences it was not possible to use the original portrait-photographies for an exhibition. But I had the idea to make them part of an allegorical visualization that also could reflect some of the thoughts that concerned me.


The work

I edited the portraits reducing colours and contrasts as much as possible to get even closer to the main characteristics of the individual faces.

Next I wrote a Video script that divided the digital portrait files into an immense pool of single pixels and digital informations. In this manner each photography was disassembled into millions of unsorted pixels.

As a next step I installed the possibility within the script to build a new picture using random algorithms. Each pixelposition is defined randomly by obtaining the pixel at the defined position of one of the 30 portraits. In that way the generated new portrait calculatory contains informations of all 30 portraits!

The script now produces a new random face every 10 seconds and gives rise to an animation.

Because of the high quantity of pixel positions this is a nearly endless process as you can caculate by mathematical probability.

The result was fascinating!

Because of the millions of single points the created new image had a very special, almost lyrical impression that evokes the association of a drawing.

Contrary to my speculation the new faces were less characteristical but more harmonic.

Still if you watch the animation for a longer time you will believe to recognize individuals, characteristics and personalities even if you don’t know the original persons.
On the other hand if you know the involved persons you will be reminded somehow to each of them in each generated new face althought they’re completely different.

It’s a very strange impression.

I found out that the more faces I mixed together the more arbitrary they seemed to become.


The Video

The video is generative. That means it generates itself by algorithms during run time. The pictures created are not repeatable and the possible alternatives are nearly infinite. Using a resolution of 1440 x 1080 pixels there are 1.555.200 pixels in total. Each of them can be casted by 30 different possibilities.


Allegories and Beauty

The main thoughts I had starting this projects dealed with questions of genetical coincidence and variety as well as with the social idea of inclusion.

The uncountable number of pixels of the digital portraits are kind of allegorical to me to the millions of genetical informations that lead to our individual appearance and possiblities.

The visualisation began to improve this allegorical meaning: Diversity and inclusion of as many as possible varieties seem to lead to an impression of harmony, balance and beauty.
The impression of beauty especially is created by an impression of harmonical balance and formal evenness.
Immediately apparent characteristics and uneven peculiarities disturb the perception and create the sentiment of non-beauty.